[VIDEO] Nigerians Strip Naked & Fight To Access Their Own Cash!

Feb 4, 2023 | The Economy, World Politics

Desperate Nigerians are stripping naked in protest as banks are running out of cash after the Government moved to replace high-denomination notes.

Video shared on Twitter shows how a naked customer demanded to close his bank account  reportedly valued at 520,000 naira after employees refused to give him more than 20,000N at the counter.

– Customers are entering banks naked and stripping to their underwear in protest

– Banks were forced to close and lock their doors after angry crowds brawled

– People across the nation are waiting in long ATM queues in attempt to get cash

By Natasha Anderson (https://www.dailymail.co.uk)

*Link to full article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11712703/Bank-customers-strip-underwear-fight-mass-brawls-ATMs-Nigeria.html

Another man climbed on top of the service counter and stripped after workers apparently fail to provide him with his requested money.

Some firms were forced to close and lock their doors after angry crowds brawled inside. Others even erected tents to protect cash-seeking customers from the sun as they waited in long queues.

The chaos comes as Nigeria battles major cash and fuel shortages just three weeks before the presidential election. Candidates have traded accusations of blame over the shortages with the ruling party hopeful even suggesting his enemies had manufactured the crisis to undermine his election chances.


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