A Hamburger Vending Machine. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Mar 30, 2022 | Technology To Be Aware Of, The Food Supply, WTF

Meet RoboBurger, The World’s First Burger Robot in a Box

RoboBurger is a restaurant in miniature. We have reimagined the quick service restaurant and made it better.

RoboBurger is like having a personal chef for 6 minutes, that dedicates all its attention to making YOUR burger, with the perfectly grilled patty, and a crispy, fresh toasted bun. Our robo-chef uses a 5 Step Cooking Process, similar to what chefs use in a traditional restaurant.

RoboBurger has the fastest grill to hand technology in the industry. You can get a fresh, piping hot burger, right off the grill, 30 seconds after it’s ready. That’s our secret to excellent taste. Say goodbye to heat lamp burgers and pre-heated patties.

The best part? RoboBurger is small, taking a vending machine size footprint. It is also plug and play, needing only an electric plug to function. That allows us to make fresh burgers at the press of a button anytime, anywhere.

Experience a RoboBurger cooked in the smallest kitchen you’ve ever seen.

*EDITORIAL NOTE: RoboBurger claims to be the only hot food vending machine certified by the National Sanitary Foundation (NSF) to the highest US food safety regulations – NSF/ANSI 25.

[insert sarcastic tone] Well… if the National SANITARY Foundation approves…


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