WHO Made The Zombies & Was Stephen King’s Cell a Documentary?

Oct 7, 2023 | Health & Wellness, Rights & Privileges

By Jeremy Ayres (https://jeremyayres.com/)

*Link to full article: https://jeremyayres.com/who-made-the-zombies-was-stephen-kings-cell-a-documentary

Question: When is a conspiracy, not a conspiracy theory? When there are numerous facts, those annoying little buggers that get in the way of nefarious narratives. At the time of writing this blog, we – meaning many critical thinkers who refuse to accept ANY narrative as an unquestionable source of truth and accuracy – are avidly watching what will – or won’t (at least not immediately) – occur once the October 4th Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is broadcasted to every ‘SMART’ phone in North America.

Cynics would argue this is a good thing and that technology has made us safer and more informed, but this is no ordinary EBS, by all accounts. The FEMA website states that the EBS broadcast from 2:20 PM – 4:20 PM EST is expected to be a series of tones and frequencies. And I quote:

To help ensure that these alerts are accessible to the entire public, including people with disabilities, a unique tone and vibration accompany the alerts.

* [FEMA PRESS RELEASE] FEMA and FCC Plan Nationwide Emergency Alert Test for Oct. 4, 2023:


How interesting or considerate? Considerate because our deaf and blind friends are also scared witless as they are startled by this sudden interruption to their day, and why should they miss out on all the fun, right? It is interesting because Pavlov of ‘Pavlov’s Dogs’ used sound to manipulate the autonomic nervous system.

* [PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE] Pavlov’s Dogs Experiment And Pavlovian Conditioning Response:


Of course, sound has been used for decades in advertising; think of jingles, for example, which is modern-day psychological manipulation, as documented brilliantly in The Century of Self by Adam Curtis.

* [VIDEO] “The Century Of Self” – Full Documentary:


However, the internet is ablaze with serious comments that the ‘unique tone and vibration’ accompanying the EBS could be for far more sinister motives and to activate foreign biotechnology particulates that were injected into people who took the jib-jab. Before you cry ‘tin-foil hat quack,’ let’s look at the evidence.


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