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Lab-Grown, Self-Healing Human Skin Designed To Cover Robot Faces

Lab-Grown, Self-Healing Human Skin Designed To Cover Robot Faces

'We managed to replicate human appearance to some extent...' Even after sizable industry advances, humanoid robots remain firmly within the uncanny valley. And although a Japanese team’s new lab-engineered skin may not lessen a bot’s creepiness, it may one day become a helpful medical tool for cosmetic surgery and other medical procedures. By Andrew Paul: ( *Link to full...

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Sex, Jews & Snipers

Sex, Jews & Snipers

Before beloved sex therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer began teaching couples how best to shoot their shot, she was taking some shots of her own. As a sniper with the Haganah, forerunner to the modern-day Israel Defense Forces (IDF), she was so accurate, she...

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